Wednesday, March 26, 2014

superhero update

Bell-ringer March 26,2014

I enjoy the quality of the play dough packages. As a little kid you see the examples of these amazing figures made from play-doh that's right inside of this package and you're eager to try and do it yourself.

The Easy Bake oven packages are always full of excitement and the treats look really mouthwatering. I think the togetherness and excitement the children present can be incorporated in my design because of the fact that the 2nd grader named his superhero after his friend.

Lego's are always full of excitement because the box exaggerates whats on the inside. You receive these little pieces and want to make them as close to the ideal photo on the front as possible.

I could use all of these packages as inspiration because it shows excitement and eagerness. I hope to make the second grader really excited to open his superhero or love the package so much he wants to save the actual package. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014



1. The second graders idea was very unique because he had a story line to go behind it. One part that really attracted me to choose this specific 2nd graders artwork is the fact he based his super hero off of his best-friend, naming him after him.

2. I want to lower the higher the brightness lowering the contrast to make the super hero more animated. I also want to enhance on the gray part of the outfit with the markers on pixlr to make it more visible. Lastly, if possible I would add a underwater submarine background.

3. Ideas that come to mind is an ocean (underwater) background with an "evil looking" submarine because of the description Jack gave me. I also wanted to add some best-friend features since the superhero is named after his best friend.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


     An interesting ad to me would be one about music and the meaning. It could be a twist in making it comical or just very attractive to the readers’ eyes like the colors in the Puma Ad or just funny like commercials. I would like to show that there is more to brands of music than just what the radio shows. This ad would present the underground music that isn't played on the radio but that happens to be even better than the music we do hear all day. The message would be to have fun and explore music, not to just be accustomed to certain kinds or let the underground music die.
     Another idea would be for pets or clothes. I feel that with both of these topics you can create a fun and colorful ad. The message for the pets would just display that pets can show love and affection, so we should return the same emotion by caring for them. For the clothes, I would show a message to be different and have clothes as the focal point of a store or closet, yet very colorful. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


This image shows a lot of color and a great use of shape. The meaning behind the advisement is very educational yet meaningful because it explains the importance of people who made a difference in history or the workers now. The focal point is the woman and she is also the emphasis put on the can. This photo is not balanced because it shows a full can and then the right side is two different colors and not an even composition. I enjoy the significance and the colors in this Ad.

This ad is really interesting and it caught my eye. The different colors blended well but the focal point helped me become aware that the ad is for Puma's Company. This is a perfectly balanced because it's makes the viewer split the image into two. I appreciate the idea of duplicating the image into one to make it a unique way to be viewed. The shapes soon fall into blobs at the top and the shoes come back to a more brighter shade of color. I enjoyed the busyness of this ad.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Updated Surrealist landscape: Magazine

Question on Movie

1. In the video it stated humans are 99.9% genetically compatible although we don't necessarily come from the same root system. In response, I believe we are similar to both the Harmonious trees in the Pando Forest and as life threatening as the mushrooms because for example in  the video, at the end videos we're submitted to create one big song. The song was soon as harmony as people are sometimes disagreeing but find a way in the middle ground to compromise. A general thought on why we can also be the life threatening mushrooms is simply because as humans we kill each other or do horrible acts. Also we have a mind set where we can be not only other critics but also our biggest critics. This makes us as a society and the human race both harmonious and life threatening compared to the trees and mushrooms because we are exposed to the same things, yet a different content.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Stop Motion Questions

Stop Motion Questions 2/18/14

1. I was able to successfully complete all of the slides, making them transition in a proper amount of time. As I continued to watch the slide show I noticed how I was able to put the time in the proper amount of time or duplicate slides.

2. I could have improved on using a better background or making my slides a little more detailed than just having the body switch positions. For example I included the hand as the head, the feet as the arms, instead of going into full depth.

3.a. I feel that stop motion is a unique and efficient way for storytelling. Even if it's not sound, the proper amount of information provided can create a wonderful short story if everything is in place.
B. Examples of story telling with stop motion was the cartoon with clay stop motion. The dog sat and as is reactions changed, the owner continue to show a lazy side of himself. The story was able to following although there was very little dialogue. Another example shown to me was the story of the three geese in the lake. There was absolutely no sound presented but the transitions were great and easy to understand and follow.