Wednesday, March 5, 2014


     An interesting ad to me would be one about music and the meaning. It could be a twist in making it comical or just very attractive to the readers’ eyes like the colors in the Puma Ad or just funny like commercials. I would like to show that there is more to brands of music than just what the radio shows. This ad would present the underground music that isn't played on the radio but that happens to be even better than the music we do hear all day. The message would be to have fun and explore music, not to just be accustomed to certain kinds or let the underground music die.
     Another idea would be for pets or clothes. I feel that with both of these topics you can create a fun and colorful ad. The message for the pets would just display that pets can show love and affection, so we should return the same emotion by caring for them. For the clothes, I would show a message to be different and have clothes as the focal point of a store or closet, yet very colorful. 

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